SQL ALL operator in DB2 for i SQL

SQL ALL operator in DB2 for i SQL
SQL ALL operator in DB2 for i SQL, SQL ALL with SELECT, SQL ALL with WHERE clause, SQL, sql tutorial, db2 for i sql, ibmi db2
SQL ALL operator in DB2 for i SQL

ALL operator

The SQL ALL operator allows us to perform a comparison between a single column value or a range of other values.

  • ALL operator is used to return all records of the SELECT statement.
  • The result of the ALL operator is true only if the condition satisfies all values in the range.
  • It returns a Boolean value TRUE when the subquery does not return any row.
  • ALL syntax

    ALL Syntax With SELECT

    SELECT ALL column_name(s)
    FROM table_name
    WHERE condition

    ALL Syntax With WHERE or HAVING

    ColumnName Operator ALL (SubQuery)
  • where, ColumnName is the name of the column in the main SELECT query.
  • Operator is a comparison operator such as =, <, >, <=, >=, or <>.
  • SubQuery is a SELECT statement that returns a single column of values.
  • SELECT column_name(s)
    FROM table_name
    WHERE column_name operator ALL
      (SELECT column_name
      FROM table_name
      WHERE condition)

    Examples using SQL ALL operator

    Refer the Structure, data of STUDENT and SUBJECT table from here.

  • Select ALL the students from the student table
  • STUDENT table data:

    ROLLNO   NAME                      SUBJECTID
         1   Ankur                           201
         2   Rahul                           202
         3   Raman                           203
         4   Vimal                           204
         5   Samar                           290

    ALL Query

    FROM student


    ROLLNO   NAME                      SUBJECTID
         1   Ankur                           201
         2   Rahul                           202
         3   Raman                           203
         4   Vimal                           204
         5   Samar                           290

    As the condition will always be TRUE so all the student get selected from student table.

  • Find the Students from the STUDENT table if it finds ALL records in the SUBJECT table has taken subject as "PHYSICS".
  • STUDENT table data:

    ROLLNO   NAME                      SUBJECTID
         1   Ankur                           201
         2   Rahul                           202
         3   Raman                           203
         4   Vimal                           204
         5   Samar                           290

    SUBJECT table data:

          201   PHYSICS               Anupam        
          202   CHEMISTRY             Nakul         
          203   MATHS                 Amit          
          204   BIOLOGY               Mohan         
          205   HINDI                 Venkatesh     
          206   ENGLISH               Venugopal     
          207   SANSKRIT              Krishnakant   
    SELECT *                        
    FROM student                    
    WHERE subjectid = ALL           
      (SELECT subjectid             
      FROM subject                  
      WHERE subjectname = 'PHYSICS')


    ROLLNO   NAME                      SUBJECTID
         1   Ankur                           201

    First It executes the Sub-select query and select those subjectid's from subject table where subjectname is "PHYSICS". Therefore it selects SubjectId 201 from subject table as per the available records in SUBJECT table. Now, it executes the main select and select those rows from the student table where subject id equals(as per the used operator) ALL of these subject id returned from the Sub-select query. Therefore, in this case both subjectid 201 available in the student table and hence, 1 row get retrieved and displayed.

  • Returns all the student from student table using ALL statement in subquery where subject = 'COMPUTER'
  • SELECT *                         
    FROM student                     
    WHERE subjectid = ALL            
      (SELECT subjectid              
      FROM subject                   
      WHERE subjectname = 'COMPUTER')

    There are no records selected in subquery as COMPUTER subject is not available in SUBJECT table and hence ALL (subquery) does not return any row which returns TRUE and that going to select all the records in the STUDENT table.

    ROLLNO   NAME                      SUBJECTID
         1   Ankur                           201
         2   Rahul                           202
         3   Raman                           203
         4   Vimal                           204
         5   Samar                           290

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