AS400 Interview Questions and Answers part 36

AS400 Interview Questions and Answers part 36
AS400 Interview Questions and Answers part 36, QUSCMDLN, command line, DSPPGMREF, OVRDBF,MOVEA, MOVE, MOVEL, IPL in ibmi, STRDBG, addbkp, chkobj, level check, cahin, setll, chain vs setll
AS400 Interview Questions and Answers part 36

Q1: What is the difference between CHAIN and SETLL? Is there a performance advantage?


  • The CHAIN operation applies a record lock to the files that are open or update however the SETLL operation does not apply the lock.
  • The CHAIN operation copies the record's data to the input buffer for the program however the SETLL operation does not.
  • Q2: What is the purpose of level checking?

    Answer: To ensure that the version of a file used by the program has not chnaged since the program was compiled.

    Q3: What are the 2 CL commands that are used to debug a program?

    Answer: STRDBG and ADDBKP (Start debug and Add breakpoint).

    Q4: What is the purpose of CHKOBJ command?

    Answer: To test for the existence of object and to check for object authorization for the user.

    Q5: What does IPL stands for?

    Answer: Inital program load, which is used for start-up.

    Q6: What is the difference between the MOVE and the MOVEL?

    Answer: MOVE transfer is the right justified move, MOVEL is a left justified move.

    Q7: What is the use of the MOVEA operation?

    Answer: To transfer data to an array or transfer an array to another storage location.

    Q8: How to access all the members in a PF?

    Answer: Use OVRDBF with the member option *ALL.

    Q9: What is the function of command DSPPGMREF?

    Answer: Displays list of all the files/programs referred by a program.

    Q10: Is it possible to incorporate the command line facility into an user application? If so how is it done?

    Answer: Yes, It is possible. We can call QUSCMDLN api to take us to the command line.

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