Sorting Array (SORTA) opcode for ARRAY in RPG AS400

Sorting Array (SORTA) opcode for ARRAY in RPG AS400
Sorting Array (SORTA) opcode for ARRAY in RPG AS400, SORTA, Sort array in rpgle, array opcode, opcode in rpgle, what, about, introduction
Sorting Array (SORTA) opcode for ARRAY in RPG AS400

Coding SORTA opcode in RPG Fixed Format

SORTA opcode is used to sort the array elements in the RPG program. We can use this opcode to sort an Array or a DS array but in this blog, we will discuss sort an Array only.

Coding SORTA opcode in RPG fixed format to Sort an Array

     DArray            S              1A   DIM(5)                        
     C                   EVAL      ARRAY(1) = 'X'                        
     C                   EVAL      ARRAY(2) = 'A'                        
     C                   EVAL      ARRAY(3) = 'C'                        
     C                   EVAL      ARRAY(4) = 'B'                        
     C                   EVAL      ARRAY(5) = 'R'                        
     C                   SORTA     ARRAY                                 
     C     ARRAY(1)      DSPLY                                           
     C     ARRAY(2)      DSPLY                                           
     C     ARRAY(3)      DSPLY                                           
     C     ARRAY(4)      DSPLY                                           
     C     ARRAY(5)      DSPLY                                           
     C                   SETON                                        LR 


The array has been sorted in Ascending order as can be seen from the below output.


Using SORTA opcode to Sort an Array in RPG /Free and Fully Free Format

SORTA operation with operation extender A(Ascending) or D(Descending) can be specified to sort array in ascending or descending order accordingly.

SORTA(A/D) arrayname 

Coding SORTA(A/D) opcode in /FREE and Fully free format RPGLE

Let's take an example where we have 3 arrays to be sorted.

  • Array1 has the keyword ASCEND so the array will be sorted in Ascending order default
  • Array2 has the keyword DESCEND so the array will be sorted in Descending order default
  • Array3 has no keyword so the array will be sorted in descending order as we use SORTA opcode with operation extender D.
  • RPG Code in /Free format for SORTA (sort an Array) in RPGLE AS400
         DArray1           S              1A   DIM(5) ASCEND   
         DArray2           S              1A   DIM(5) DESCEND  
         DArray3           S              1A   DIM(5)                        
              ARRAY1(1) = 'X';                                 
              ARRAY1(2) = 'A';                                 
              ARRAY1(3) = 'C';                                 
              ARRAY1(4) = 'B';                                 
              ARRAY1(5) = 'R';                                 
              SORTA Array1;                                    
              DSPLY ARRAY1(1);                                 
              DSPLY ARRAY1(2);                                 
              DSPLY ARRAY1(3);                                 
              DSPLY ARRAY1(4);                                 
              DSPLY ARRAY1(5);                                 
              ARRAY2(1) = 'X';  
              ARRAY2(2) = 'A';  
              ARRAY2(3) = 'C';  
              ARRAY2(4) = 'B';  
              ARRAY2(5) = 'R';  
              SORTA Array2;     
              DSPLY ARRAY2(1);  
              DSPLY ARRAY2(2);  
              DSPLY ARRAY2(3);  
              DSPLY ARRAY2(4);  
              DSPLY ARRAY2(5);  
              ARRAY3(1) = 'X';  
              ARRAY3(2) = 'A';  
              ARRAY3(3) = 'C';  
              ARRAY3(4) = 'B';  
              ARRAY3(5) = 'R';  
              SORTA(D) Array3;   
              DSPLY ARRAY3(1);   
              DSPLY ARRAY3(2);   
              DSPLY ARRAY3(3);   
              DSPLY ARRAY3(4);   
              DSPLY ARRAY3(5);   
              *INLR = *ON;       
    RPG Code in Fully Free format for SORTA (sort an Array) in RPGLE AS400
    ctl-opt debug(*yes);                                       
    ctl-opt Option(*NoDebugio);                                
    dcl-s Array1 char(1) DIM(5) Ascend;
    dcl-s Array2 char(1) DIM(5) Descend;    
    dcl-s Array3 char(1) DIM(5);                    
              ARRAY1(1) = 'X';                                 
              ARRAY1(2) = 'A';                                 
              ARRAY1(3) = 'C';                                 
              ARRAY1(4) = 'B';                                 
              ARRAY1(5) = 'R';                                 
              SORTA Array1;                                    
              DSPLY ARRAY1(1);                                 
              DSPLY ARRAY1(2);                                 
              DSPLY ARRAY1(3);                                 
              DSPLY ARRAY1(4);                                 
              DSPLY ARRAY1(5);                                 
              ARRAY2(1) = 'X';  
              ARRAY2(2) = 'A';  
              ARRAY2(3) = 'C';  
              ARRAY2(4) = 'B';  
              ARRAY2(5) = 'R';  
              SORTA Array2;     
              DSPLY ARRAY2(1);  
              DSPLY ARRAY2(2);  
              DSPLY ARRAY2(3);  
              DSPLY ARRAY2(4);  
              DSPLY ARRAY2(5);  
              ARRAY3(1) = 'X';  
              ARRAY3(2) = 'A';  
              ARRAY3(3) = 'C';  
              ARRAY3(4) = 'B';  
              ARRAY3(5) = 'R';  
              SORTA(D) Array3;   
              DSPLY ARRAY3(1);   
              DSPLY ARRAY3(2);   
              DSPLY ARRAY3(3);   
              DSPLY ARRAY3(4);   
              DSPLY ARRAY3(5);   
              *INLR = *ON;                                                                                                                             

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