Browse and Copy in SEU AS400 |
Browse and Copy option
Open any source member in Edit mode either using WRKMBRPDM or STRSEU as below.
Columns . . . : 6 100 Edit EASYCLASS1/ILERPG
FMT H HKeywords++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Comments++++++++++++
*************** Beginning of data ***************************************************************************************
0001.00 H 211204
0002.00 F 211204
0003.00 * Global variables (accessible to all sub procedures local to this program) 200811
0004.00 D Sum S 4P 0 200811
0005.00 200811
0006.00 200811
0007.00 * SubProcedure prototype 200811
0008.00 DSubProcedure1 PR 4P 0 * Return 200811
0009.00 D 4P 0 VALUE * Num 1 200811
0010.00 D 4P 0 VALUE * Num 2 200811
0011.00 /Free 200811
0012.00 Sum = 0; // Initialize global variable 200811
0013.00 Sum = SubProcedure1(5:10); 200811
0014.00 Sum = SubProcedure1(5:10); 201008
0015.00 DSPLY Sum; 200811
0016.00 *INLR = *ON; 200811
0017.00 /End-Free 200811
0018.00 200811
0019.00 200811
Now press SHIFT + F3 to opt for Browse/Copy option
Browse/Copy Options Type choices, press Enter. Selection . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1=Member 2=Spool file 3=Output queue Copy all records . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No Browse/copy member . . . . . . ILEPGM1 Name, F4 for list File . . . . . . . . . . . . ILERPG Name, F4 for list Library . . . . . . . . . . EASYCLASS1 Name, *CURLIB, *LIBL Browse/copy spool file . . . . ILEPGM1 Name, F4 for list Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . ILEPGM1 Name User . . . . . . . . . . . EASYCLASS Name, F4 for list Job number . . . . . . . . *LAST Number, *LAST Spool number . . . . . . . . *LAST Number, *LAST, *ONLY Display output queue . . . . . QPRINT Name, *ALL Library . . . . . . . . . . . *LIBL Name, *CURLIB, *LIBL F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=Change session defaults F14=Find/Change options
You can browse any source member in any source physical file of any library and even spool files.
Columns . . . : 6 100 Edit Pending . . . . . : * SEU==> FMT H HKeywords++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Comments++++++++++++ *************** Beginning of data *************************************************************************************** H 211204 0002.00 F 211204 0003.00 * Global variables (accessible to all sub procedures local to this program) 200811 0004.00 D Sum S 4P 0 200811 0005.00 200811 0006.00 200811 0007.00 * SubProcedure prototype 200811 0008.00 DSubProcedure1 PR 4P 0 * Return 200811 Columns . . . : 6 100 Browse EASYCLASS1/ILERPG SEU==> ILEPGM2 *************** Beginning of data *************************************************************************************** 0001.00 H 200616 0002.00 DMain PR EXTPGM('ILEPGM2') 200811 0003.00 D 4P 0 VALUE * Num 1 200811 0004.00 D 4P 0 VALUE * Num 2 200811 0005.00 D 4P 0 VALUE * Sum 200811 0006.00 DMain PI 200811 0007.00 D num1 4P 0 VALUE * Num 1 200811 F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F9=Retrieve F11=Toggle F12=Cancel F16=Repeat find F17=Repeat change F24=More keys
Use Copy commands in Browse member and use Add commands in Edit member to copy at target location before or after the line.
Columns . . . : 6 100 Edit Pending . . . . . : * SEU==> FMT H HKeywords++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Comments++++++++++++ *************** Beginning of data *************************************************************************************** H 211204 A002.00 F 211204 0003.00 * Global variables (accessible to all sub procedures local to this program) 200811 0004.00 D Sum S 4P 0 200811 0005.00 200811 0006.00 200811 0007.00 * SubProcedure prototype 200811 0008.00 DSubProcedure1 PR 4P 0 * Return 200811 Columns . . . : 6 100 Browse EASYCLASS1/ILERPG SEU==> ILEPGM2 *************** Beginning of data *************************************************************************************** 0001.00 H 200616 CC02.00 DMain PR EXTPGM('ILEPGM2') 200811 0003.00 D 4P 0 VALUE * Num 1 200811 0004.00 D 4P 0 VALUE * Num 2 200811 CC05.00 D 4P 0 VALUE * Sum 200811 0006.00 DMain PI 200811 0007.00 D num1 4P 0 VALUE * Num 1 200811
lines copied
Columns . . . : 6 100 Edit EASYCLASS1/ILERPG SEU==> ILEPGM1 FMT H HKeywords++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Comments++++++++++++ *************** Beginning of data *************************************************************************************** 0001.00 H 211204 0002.00 F 211204 0003.00 DMain PR EXTPGM('ILEPGM2') 211204 0004.00 D 4P 0 VALUE * Num 1 211204 0005.00 D 4P 0 VALUE * Num 2 211204 0006.00 D 4P 0 VALUE * Sum 211204 0007.00 * Global variables (accessible to all sub procedures local to this program) 200811 0008.00 D Sum S 4P 0 200811 Columns . . . : 6 100 Browse EASYCLASS1/ILERPG SEU==> ILEPGM2 *************** Beginning of data *************************************************************************************** 0001.00 H 200616 0002.00 DMain PR EXTPGM('ILEPGM2') 200811 0003.00 D 4P 0 VALUE * Num 1 200811 0004.00 D 4P 0 VALUE * Num 2 200811 0005.00 D 4P 0 VALUE * Sum 200811 0006.00 DMain PI 200811 0007.00 D num1 4P 0 VALUE * Num 1 200811
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Read also :
- Source Entry Utility (SEU) in AS400
- Changing Session Defaults (F13) in SEU AS400
- SET command in SEU AS400
- Line Command in SEU AS400
- Display Column Line in SEU AS400
- Display Format Lines in SEU AS400
- Prompt Line Command in SEU AS400
- Change the display in SEU AS400
- FIND and CHANGE command in SEU AS400
- SEU command line commands in AS400