Using Code pages with Text files in IFS in RPGLE (Create ASCII Text File)

Using Code pages with Text files in IFS in RPGLE.
Using Code pages with Text files in IFSiconv(), ASCII , Examples of open() with CCSIDs, RPGLE Program for write and create text files on IFS with codepage, open() api write() api, read() api, close()api, as400, ibmi, iseries, systemi, as400andsqltricks, as400 tutorials, ibmi tutorials,Creating ASCII text file on IFS in RPGLE, ccsid 819, codepage 819, create ascii text file on ifs in rpgle as400
Using Code pages with Text files in IFS 

We already created the text file on the ifs but that is in EBCDIC format. We can read that text file on IBM i as IBM i uses EBCDIC format but if we download the same file on windows pc then that is of no use to us on the PC as the windows supports ASCII format.

We have an option to call iconv() api to convert the text to ASCII(codepage 819) before we actually write it to ifs text file but in that case our RPGLE programs find issue while reading the text data in ASCOO format since IBM i supports the EBCDIC format. This can be resolved using the codepage optional parameter in open() api that allows us to assign the codepage to the ifs stream file during its creation.

The O_converttextbycodepage flag on the open() api is used to inform the api that we are working with text data and we want the system to perform the same translation for us. When we read or write any data to the text file on the ifs, it will be automatically be translated to and from the codepage assigned to that text file on the ifs at the time of creation.

Here, code page 819 which represents ASCII.

RPGLE Program to to create ASCII text file on IFS and write data to text file

RPG Code in Fixed format to Create and write ASCII Text files on IFS.
     D unlink          PR            10I 0 ExtProc('unlink')                                        
     D ifspath                         *   Value options(*string)                                   
     D errorifs        PR              *   ExtProc('__errno')                                       
     D strerror        PR              *   ExtProc('strerror')                                      
     D error_num                     10I 0 value                                                    
     D close           PR            10i 0 extproc('close')                     *                   
     D fileds                        10i 0 value                                *file descriptor    
     D write           PR            10i 0 extproc('write')                     * 32 bit, no. of byt
     D fileds                        10i 0 value                                *file descriptor    
     D buffer                          *   value                                * pointer to byte   
     D noofbytes                     10U 0 value                                * 32 bits           
     D open            PR            10I 0 extproc('open')                                           
     D ifspath                         *   value options(*string)               *ifs path            
     D oflag                         10I 0 value                                *string of 32 bits   
     D mode                          10U 0 value options(*nopass)               * 9 bits             
     D codepage                      10U 0 value options(*nopass)               *                    
      * <-----oflag---->                                                                             
     D O_readonly      C                   1                                                         
     D O_writeonly     C                   2                                                         
     D O_readwrite     C                   4                                                         
     D O_createfileifnotexist...                                                                     
     D                 C                   8                                                         
     D O_exclusivecreate...                                                                          
     D                 C                   16                                                        
     D O_truncateto0bytes...                                                                         
     D                 C                   64                                                        
     D O_appendtofile  C                   256                                                       
     D O_converttextbycodepage...                                                                    
     D                 C                   8388608                                                   
     D O_openintextmode...                                       
     D                 C                   16777216              
      * <-----mode---->                                          
      * owner,group,other (RWX)                                  
      *                                         owner authority  
     D M_readowner     C                   256                   
     D M_writeowner    C                   128                   
     D M_executeowner  C                   64                    
      *                                         group authority  
     D M_readgroup     C                   32                    
     D M_writegroup    C                   16                    
     D M_executegroup  C                   8                     
      *                                         other people     
     D M_readother     C                   4                     
     D M_writeother    C                   2                     
     D M_executeother  C                   1                     
     Difspath          s            512a                         
     Dreturn_unlink    s             10i 0 inz                   
     Doflag            s             10I 0                                   
     Dmode             s             10U 0                                   
     Dcodepage         s             10U 0                                   
     Dfiledescriptor   s             10i 0                                   
     Difsdata          s            400a   inz                               
     Dreturn_write     s             10i 0 inz                               
     Dreturn_close     s             10i 0 inz                               
     Derror_ptr        S               *                                     
     Derror_num        S             10I 0 based(error_ptr)                  
     Derrormsg_ptr     S               *                                     
     Derror_msg        S            500a   based(errormsg_ptr)               
     DCRLF             C                   CONST(x'0D25')                    
     C                   EVAL      ifspath = '/home/easyclass/txtfile2.txt'  
     C                   EVAL      return_unlink = unlink(%trim(ifspath))    
     C                   IF        return_unlink < 0                      
     C                   EVAL      error_ptr = errorIFS()                 
     C                   EVAL      errormsg_ptr = strerror(error_num)     
     C                   ENDIF                                            
     C                   EVAL      oflag = O_writeonly +                  
     C                                     O_createfileifnotexist +       
     C                                     O_converttextbycodepage        
     C                   EVAL      mode = M_readowner +                   
     C                                    M_writeowner +                  
     C                                    M_executeowner                  
     C                   EVAL      filedescriptor = open(%trim(ifspath):  
     C                                              oflag:                
     C                                              mode:                 
     C                                              819)                  
     C                   IF        filedescriptor < 0                     
     C                   EVAL      error_ptr = errorIFS()                     
     C                   EVAL      errormsg_ptr = strerror(error_num)         
     C                   RETURN                                               
     C                   ENDIF                                                
     C                   EVAL      return_close = close(filedescriptor)       
     C                   IF        return_close = -1                          
     C                   EVAL      error_ptr = errorIFS()                     
     C                   EVAL      errormsg_ptr = strerror(error_num)         
     C                   RETURN                                               
     C                   ENDIF                                                
     C                   EVAL      oflag = O_writeonly +                      
     C                                     O_openintextmode                   
     C                   EVAL      filedescriptor = open(%trim(ifspath):      
     C                                                   oflag)               
     C                   IF        filedescriptor < 0                         
     C                   EVAL      error_ptr = errorIFS()                
     C                   EVAL      errormsg_ptr = strerror(error_num)    
     C                   RETURN                                          
     C                   ENDIF                                           
     C                   EVAL      ifsdata = 'IFS TEXT FILE1' + CRLF +   
     C                                       'IFS TEXT FILE2' + CRLF +   
     C                                       CRLF  + 'END' + CRLF        
     C                   EVAL      return_write = write(filedescriptor:  
     C                                            %addr(ifsdata):        
     C                                            %size(ifsdata))        
     C                   IF        return_write < 0                      
     C                   EVAL      error_ptr = errorIFS()                
     C                   EVAL      errormsg_ptr = strerror(error_num)    
     C                   RETURN                                          
     C                   ENDIF                                           
     C                   IF        return_close = -1                     
     C                   EVAL      error_ptr = errorIFS()             
     C                   EVAL      errormsg_ptr = strerror(error_num) 
     C                   RETURN                                       
     C                   ENDIF                                        
     C                   EVAL      *INLR = *ON                        
     C                   RETURN                                                                                       
RPG Code in /Free and /End-Free format to Create and write ASCII Text files on IFS.
     D unlink          PR            10I 0 ExtProc('unlink')                                        
     D ifspath                         *   Value options(*string)                                   
     D errorifs        PR              *   ExtProc('__errno')                                       
     D strerror        PR              *   ExtProc('strerror')                                      
     D error_num                     10I 0 value                                                    
     D close           PR            10i 0 extproc('close')                     *                   
     D fileds                        10i 0 value                                *file descriptor    
     D write           PR            10i 0 extproc('write')                     * 32 bit, no. of byt
     D fileds                        10i 0 value                                *file descriptor    
     D buffer                          *   value                                * pointer to byte   
     D noofbytes                     10U 0 value                                * 32 bits           
     D open            PR            10I 0 extproc('open')                                           
     D ifspath                         *   value options(*string)               *ifs path            
     D oflag                         10I 0 value                                *string of 32 bits   
     D mode                          10U 0 value options(*nopass)               * 9 bits             
     D codepage                      10U 0 value options(*nopass)               *                    
      * <-----oflag---->                                                                           
     D O_readonly      C                   1                                                         
     D O_writeonly     C                   2                                                         
     D O_readwrite     C                   4                                                         
     D O_createfileifnotexist...                                                                     
     D                 C                   8                                                         
     D O_exclusivecreate...                                                                          
     D                 C                   16                                                        
     D O_truncateto0bytes...                                                                         
     D                 C                   64                                                        
     D O_appendtofile  C                   256                                                       
     D O_converttextbycodepage...                                                                    
     D                 C                   8388608                                                   
     D O_openintextmode...                                       
     D                 C                   16777216              
      * <-----mode---->                                          
      * owner,group,other (RWX)                                  
      *                                         owner authority  
     D M_readowner     C                   256                   
     D M_writeowner    C                   128                   
     D M_executeowner  C                   64                    
      *                                         group authority  
     D M_readgroup     C                   32                    
     D M_writegroup    C                   16                    
     D M_executegroup  C                   8                     
      *                                         other people     
     D M_readother     C                   4                     
     D M_writeother    C                   2                     
     D M_executeother  C                   1                     
     Difspath          s            512a                         
     Dreturn_unlink    s             10i 0 inz                   
     Doflag            s             10I 0                                   
     Dmode             s             10U 0                                   
     Dcodepage         s             10U 0                                   
     Dfiledescriptor   s             10i 0                                   
     Difsdata          s            400a   inz                               
     Dreturn_write     s             10i 0 inz                               
     Dreturn_close     s             10i 0 inz                               
     Derror_ptr        S               *                                     
     Derror_num        S             10I 0 based(error_ptr)                  
     Derrormsg_ptr     S               *                                     
     Derror_msg        S            500a   based(errormsg_ptr)               
     DCRLF             C                   CONST(x'0D25')          
       ifspath = '/home/easyclass/txtfile2.txt';      
       return_unlink = unlink(%trim(ifspath));        
       if return_unlink < 0;                          
         error_ptr = errorIFS();                      
         errormsg_ptr = strerror(error_num);          
       oflag = O_writeonly +                          
               O_createfileifnotexist +               
       mode =                                         
              M_readowner +                           
              M_writeowner +                          
       filedescriptor = open(%trim(ifspath):          
       if filedescriptor < 0;                    
         error_ptr = errorIFS();                 
         errormsg_ptr = strerror(error_num);     
       return_close = close(filedescriptor);     
       if return_close = -1;                     
         error_ptr = errorIFS();                 
         errormsg_ptr = strerror(error_num);     
       oflag = O_writeonly +                     
       filedescriptor = open(%trim(ifspath):     
       if filedescriptor < 0;                                              
         error_ptr = errorIFS();                                           
         errormsg_ptr = strerror(error_num);                               
       ifsdata = 'IFS TEXT FILE1' + CRLF +                                 
                 'IFS TEXT FILE2' + CRLF +                                 
                                    CRLF  + 'END' + CRLF;                  
       return_write = write(filedescriptor:%addr(ifsdata):%size(ifsdata)); 
       if return_write < %size(ifsdata);                                   
         error_ptr = errorIFS();                                           
         errormsg_ptr = strerror(error_num);                               
       return_close = close(filedescriptor);                               
       if return_close = -1;                                               
         error_ptr = errorIFS();                                           
         errormsg_ptr = strerror(error_num);    
       *inlr = *on;                             
RPG Code in Fully Free format to Create and write ASCII Text files on IFS.
CTL-OPT DFTACTGRP(*NO);                       
DCL-PR unlink int(10) EXTPROC('unlink');      
  ifspath pointer VALUE options(*string);     
DCL-PR errorifs pointer EXTPROC('__errno');   
DCL-PR strerror pointer EXTPROC('strerror');  
  error_num int(10) VALUE;                    
DCL-PR write int(10) EXTPROC('write');        
  fileds  int(10) VALUE;                      
  buffer  pointer VALUE;                      
  noofbytes uns(10) VALUE;                    
DCL-PR open int(10) EXTPROC('open');       
  ifspath pointer VALUE options(*string);  
  oflag   int(10) VALUE;                   
  mode uns(10) VALUE options(*nopass);     
  codepage uns(10) VALUE options(*nopass); 
DCL-PR close int(10) EXTPROC('close');     
  fileds int(10) VALUE;                    
// * <-----oflag---->                      
DCL-C O_readonly 1;                        
DCL-C O_writeonly 2;                       
DCL-C O_readwrite 4;                       
DCL-C O_createfileifnotexist 8;            
DCL-C O_exclusivecreate 16;                
DCL-C O_truncateto0bytes 64;               
DCL-C O_appendtofile  256;                 
DCL-C O_converttextbycodepage 8388608;                           
DCL-C O_openintextmode 16777216;                                 
//    * <-----mode---->                                          
//    * owner,group,other (RWX)                                  
//    *                                         owner authority  
DCL-C M_readowner 256;                                           
DCL-C M_writeowner 128;                                          
DCL-C M_executeowner 64;                                         
//    *                                         group authority  
DCL-C M_readgroup 32;                                            
DCL-C M_writegroup 16;                                           
DCL-C M_executegroup 8;                                          
//    *                                         other people     
DCL-C M_readother 4;                                             
DCL-C M_writeother 2;                                            
DCL-C M_executeother 1;                                          
DCL-S ifspath CHAR(512);                                         
DCL-S oflag int(10);                                             
DCL-S mode  uns(10);                              
DCL-S codepage uns(10);                           
DCL-S filedescriptor int(10);                     
DCL-S ifsdata char(500) inz;                      
DCL-S return_unlink int(10) inz;                  
DCL-S return_write int(10) inz;                   
DCL-S return_close int(10) inz;                   
DCL-S error_ptr pointer;                          
DCL-S error_num int(10) based(error_ptr);         
DCL-S errormsg_ptr pointer;                       
DCL-S error_msg char(500) based(errormsg_ptr);    
DCL-C CRLF CONST(x'0D25');                        
       ifspath = '/home/easyclass/txtfile2.txt';  
       return_unlink = unlink(%trim(ifspath));    
       if return_unlink < 0;                      
         error_ptr = errorIFS();                  
         errormsg_ptr = strerror(error_num);      
       oflag = O_writeonly +                   
               O_createfileifnotexist +        
       mode =                                  
              M_readowner +                    
              M_writeowner +                   
       filedescriptor = open(%trim(ifspath):   
       if filedescriptor < 0;                  
         error_ptr = errorIFS();               
         errormsg_ptr = strerror(error_num);   
       return_close = close(filedescriptor);     
       if return_close = -1;                     
         error_ptr = errorIFS();                 
         errormsg_ptr = strerror(error_num);     
       oflag = O_writeonly +                     
       filedescriptor = open(%trim(ifspath):     
       if filedescriptor < 0;                    
         error_ptr = errorIFS();                 
         errormsg_ptr = strerror(error_num);     
       ifsdata = 'IFS TEXT FILE1' + CRLF +                                 
                 'IFS TEXT FILE2' + CRLF +                                 
                                    CRLF  + 'END' + CRLF;                      
       return_write = write(filedescriptor:%addr(ifsdata):%size(ifsdata));   
       if return_write < %size(ifsdata);                                     
         error_ptr = errorIFS();                                             
         errormsg_ptr = strerror(error_num);                                 
       return_close = close(filedescriptor);                                 
       if return_close = -1;                                                 
         error_ptr = errorIFS();                                             
         errormsg_ptr = strerror(error_num);                                 
       *inlr = *on;                                                          

Exaplanation of above code

Everything is same as explained here for creating and writing text file on ifs except few things that are explained below

  • We need to call unlink() api at first to delete the file if already present, this we are doing to ensure that we are always creating the file with he corrext settings i.e. ASSCII CCSID (819).
  • Then for creating and opening the ASCII text file using open() C api we will pass O_converttextbycodepage flag to the Oflag parameter of open() api and passing the codepage parameter value as 819 for ASCII files to the open() api so that the file must be created with ASCII code page, so that when we later perform write text to this file system automatically translate it to ASCII while writing to disk. Other explanation would be same as the above mentioned link i.e. create and write text file in ifs.
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